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Word wheel for semiconductor
技术简介: TOYO336、High bird I-wheel、MH11:The material uses aviation aluminum, around the cutting wire labor word wheel, the high purity monocrystalline silicon rod cut into wafers.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
Tungsten wire bus Joist wheel
技术简介: 133、160、165:The I-wheel used for winding the tungsten wire of diamond wire and forming diamond wire is used for cutting silicon wafer, sapphire and semiconductor.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
WS Series (Wet-drawn H-wheel)
技术简介: Specific type of small drawing wheel:WS9、WS18、WS34、WS50 The specific type of big pull I-wheel:WS550、WS1000:Copper-plated single steel wire reciprocating use of I-wheel, used in the steel cord industry.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
Diamond thread wheel
技术简介: PV600/DW200、SJ80 、 BS245/BS333、 Steel and aluminum alloy312:Diamond wire labor word wheel, used for cutting silicon wafer, sapphire, semiconductor.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
Carbon wire bus wheel
技术简介: BS64(TA20)、BS126(TA40) 、BS200(TA100):It is used for winding diamond wire. This wire is plated with diamond and becomes diamond wire, used for cutting silicon wafer, sapphire, semiconductor.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
Bead wire spool
技术简介: Sumitomo A40、D53(Kiswire) 、G360-70 、G240-40、C63(kiswire):Cbar wire rough pull labor wheel, used in steel cord industry.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
Steel cord spool
技术简介: BS40、BS60、 BS80/17、BS80/33:A metal I-wheel for automotive steel wire.
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
技术简介: SFR-APF系列有源滤波模块是一种用于动态滤除谐波、补偿无功的新型电力电子装置,它能对谐波(大小和频率都变化)和动态无功进行实时滤除和补偿,用以克服传统滤波器等传统的谐波抑制和无功补偿方法的缺点,实现系统的谐波滤除功能以及无功功率补偿功能,广泛应用于电力冶金、石油、港口、化工和工矿企业等。灵活的应用方案,优异的过滤性能,完善的设备和系统保护,人性化的人机交互体验。
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
技术简介: 微机综合保护装置SDP-5100-A采用了32位微控制器,其外观时尚、结构精巧,大屏液晶显示,操作方便;并具有强大的功能集成:集保护、测量、控制、监测、通信、故障录波、事件记录等多种功能于一体。高精度测量全电量参数;在线记录事件达256条,掉电不丢失。
中国Advanced Manufacturing and Automation产品供给
技术简介: 微机综合保护装置是公司在总结现有产品运行经验的基础上,融合国内外先进技术,采用基于ARM9内核32位的闪存微控制器,是根据中国电力系统不断发展的需求自主研制和生产的产品。产品适用于35kV以下高压开关柜、箱式变电站设备,完成保护、监控的功能,并可手动/远程操控一台断路器的分合。装置配备8个开关星输入(用于监漠国路器位置及非电量保护信号)、7个地电器输出(含分合用,保护跣和两路事故信号出口)64条SOE事件记录。断电储存。
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