研究领域:1.H Zhou, H Niu, H Wang, W Yang, X Wei, H Shao, A versatile, highly effective nanofibrous separation membrane, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 2359-65(IF: 6.739).
2.J Liu†, H Zhou†, X Wu, H Wang, Z Ji, Y Xing, Superoleophobic Filters: Improvement of Filtration Performance by Front Attachment of Oil-Guiding Fabric, Advance Materials Interfaces, 2020, 7, 1901808(IF: 4.713, †:共同第一作者).
3.S Fu†, H Zhou†, H Wang, H Niu, W Yang, H Shao, Jinnan Wang, T Lin, Superhydrophilic, Underwater Directional Oil-Transport Fabrics with a Novel Oil Trapping Function, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,2019, 11, 30, 27402-27409 (IF:8.456, †:共同第一作者).
4.S Fu†, H Zhou†, H Wang, H Niu, W Yang, H Shao, T Lin, Amphibious Superamphiphilic Fabrics with Self-healing Underwater Superoleophilicity, Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 122-129 (IF:14.356, †:共同第一作者).
5.H Zhou, H Wang, W Yang, H Niu, Durable Superoleophobic-superhydrophilic Fabrics with High Anti-oil-fouling Property, RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 26939-26947 (IF:3.049).
6.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, T Lin, Recent Porgress in Durable and Self-healing Super-non-wettable Fabrics, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018, 5, 1800461 (IF: 4.713, Citation: 5) (Invited review).
7.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, Y Zhao, T Lin, A waterborne coating system for preparing durable, self- healing, superamphiphobic surfaces, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27, 1604261 (IF: 15.621, Citation: 99). This work has been featured in Advanced in Engineering.
8.H Zhou, H Wang, H Niu, C Zeng, Y Zhao, Z Xu, T Lin, One-way Water Transport Cotton Fabrics with Enhanced Cooling Effect, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600283 (IF: 4.713, Citation: 10).
9.H Zhou, H Wang, Y Zhao, T Lin, Recent Development in Durable Super-Liquid-Repellent Fabrics, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600402 (IF: 4.713, Citation: 14). (Invited review)