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研究领域:1. Yang, Menglong; Wouters, Daan; Giesbers, Marcel; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Zuilhof, Han; “Local Probe Oxidation of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon”, ACS Nano 2009, 3, 2887–2900 2. Yang, Menglong; Teeuwen, Rosalie L. M.; Giesbers, Marcel; Baggerman, Jacob; Arafat, Ahmed; de Wolf, Frits A.; van Hest, Jan C. M.; Zuilhof, Han; “One-Step Photochemical Attachment of NHS-Terminated Monolayers onto Silicon Surfaces and Subsequent Functionalization”, Langmuir 2008, 24, 7931–7938 3. Yang, Menglong; Zheng, Zhikun; Liu, Yaqing; Zhang, Bailin; “Kinetics of atomic force microscope-based scanned probe oxidation on an octadecylated silicon (111) surface”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 10365–10373 4. Yang, Menglong; Zheng, Zhikun; Liu, Yaqing; Zhang, Bailin; “Scanned probe oxidation on an octadecyl-terminated silicon (111) surface with atomic force microscopy: kinetic investigations in line patterning”, Nanotechnology 2006, 17, 330–337 5. Zheng, Zhikun; Yang, Menglong; Zhang, Bailin; “Reversible nanopatterning on self-assembled monolayers on gold”, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 6597–6604
杨孟龙,男,汉族,1973年出生,博士,正高级工程师,自2009年3月起任职中科院青岛生物能源与过程研究所高级技术主管。1994年在中国石油大学(华东)应用化学专业获理学学士学位,1998年在该校精细化工专业获工学硕士学位,2006年在中科院长春应用化学研究所分析化学专业获理学博士学位。2007,1-2009,3在荷兰瓦格宁根(Wageningen)大学有机化学实验室做博士后研究。2003年起致力于分子自组装膜、表面纳米加工、生物反应活性表面及生物传感器的科研工作,部分研究成果已经发表于ACS Nano、J. Phys. Chem. B、Langmuir、Nanotechnology等国际期刊(至2009年11篇)。1994-2003年间在中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院从事有机化工和精细化工(石油化学品)方向的教学和科研工作,曾参与完成省部级科技攻关及横向重点科研项目11项,获得过省部级科技进步三等奖等科研奖励8项(其中多项成果已推广应用),发表EI、核心期刊论文10篇。
1. Yang, Menglong; Wouters, Daan; Giesbers, Marcel; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Zuilhof, Han; “Local Probe Oxidation of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon”, ACS Nano 2009, 3, 2887–2900 2. Yang, Menglong; Teeuwen, Rosalie L. M.; Giesbers, Marcel; Baggerman, Jacob; Arafat, Ahmed; de Wolf, Frits A.; van Hest, Jan C. M.; Zuilhof, Han; “One-Step Photochemical Attachment of NHS-Terminated Monolayers onto Silicon Surfaces and Subsequent Functionalization”, Langmuir 2008, 24, 7931–7938 3. Yang, Menglong; Zheng, Zhikun; Liu, Yaqing; Zhang, Bailin; “Kinetics of atomic force microscope-based scanned probe oxidation on an octadecylated silicon (111) surface”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 10365–10373 4. Yang, Menglong; Zheng, Zhikun; Liu, Yaqing; Zhang, Bailin; “Scanned probe oxidation on an octadecyl-terminated silicon (111) surface with atomic force microscopy: kinetic investigations in line patterning”, Nanotechnology 2006, 17, 330–337 5. Zheng, Zhikun; Yang, Menglong; Zhang, Bailin; “Reversible nanopatterning on self-assembled monolayers on gold”, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 6597–6604
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